tbc money mindset seminar! 

2 hour seminar for designers ready to price projects with confidence, demand a living wage without guilt, and conquer the overwhelming burden of pricing complexities.

the live event has ended but you can purchase the replay

in this $30 seminar 
you will…


Uncover how to comfortably talk about money with clients without it being a "taboo" topic


Identify your current "money mindset" and what it means


Learn how to leverage the "abundance mindset" to provide more value and fast track your design goals



Our Money Mindset 

We believe that…


👉 You shouldn't have to emotionally discount your services to get clients

👉 Money isn't evil & it's okay to want to make more money

👉 You can do good work AND make a good living

👉 Pricing transparency is crucial to the design industry

purchase the replay now

READY FOR YOUR MONEY metamorphosis?



What do I need to bring to the SEMINAR & how long is it?

We recommend bringing a notebook or something to write with! It will be approximately two hours long.

How do i access the replay?

Immediately upon purchase you'll receive the replay link!

do you offer refunds?

Due to the digital nature of this product we do not offer refunds.

Though discomfort may accompany change, remember that it is a sign of progress. Embrace the discomfort, for on the other side lies transformation, fulfillment, and a future defined by your 
newfound money mindset.